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Class I've studied at DAL:

    First year

    1. First Semester

      • 1105
      • 1120
      • 1800
      • 1300
    2. Second Semester

      • 1110
      • 1801
      • 1170
      • 1315

Some of my favorite things

Movies I like

Movie poster for Whiplash Movie poster for the truman show Movie poster for American Psycho

Youtubers I like

profile picture of youtuber matthewmatosis profile picture of youtuber A core gaming profile picture of youtuber Alternate history
Mathewmattosis AlternateHistoryHub CoreAGaming

Video Games I like

poster for the game Devil may cry 5 poster for the game Doom eternal poster for the game terraria

Favorite Song: World is yours by Nas